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Beyond Fashion


"Beyond Fashion" delves into the world of people for whom fashion is a way of life and a way of expressing their identity.

Host Avi Jakobs discusses topics that concern us all.

Client: ARD Kultur
Directors: Paola Calvo, Patrick Jasim
Production: Vice Media
Edit: Nico Hertel (Trailer, Intros, Episode 1: Hype Fashion x How much power does rap have in fashion?)




Green filmed documentary miniseries tripleF*** contains material from six continents (North – and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia and Antarctica), operating with film teams on site, in order to work out a part of the global situation and find answers to the most urgent questions: What needs to be done, by whom, and how can we do it?


Director: Simona Theoharova

Production: Caravan Fantasia

Editor: Nico Hertel

Music: Nico Hertel


5 Episodes á 30 - 50 minutes


Awarded by:

Colorado Environmental Film Festival – "CEFF Award Spirit of activism"

The Latino & Native American Film Festival – Honorable Mention “Social Impact”

NGO MONDO & MAFF21 – Special Prize


Schlaue Schwärme


Two part documentary series about behavior of swarms for ZDF, TERRA X.


Director: Iris Gesang

Production: Spiegel TV

Co-Editor: Nico Hertel

Picture shows banner of "Deutschland unter Drogen". A documentary on use of drugs in germany. It links to the video on demand platform of RTL to watch the video.

Deutschland unter Drogen


Documentary on drugs in Germany for RTL.


Production: Vice Media

Co-Editor: Nico Hertel

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